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  • Writer's pictureKirsten Mackenzey

The Influencer Bubble Is Bursting: Why Engaging With Your Followers Is Everything

Trying to launch your career as a social media influencer can be tough these days! I mean, who wouldn't want to have a career traveling around the world advertising their favorite brands? And it can be especially difficult trying to create your own brand that is just different enough to separate yourself apart from the rest that will break through the margin and succeed. One important misconception is that having a large follower count will equate to your success when trying to launch a brand. That's why it's essential to understand that follower count no longer translate to sales, and to learn what audience will buy from you and what exactly they are willing to buy.

We know it's not easy knowing where to start! So we are here to help.

Here are 5 tips and tricks on the ways that pay, how to launch a successful social media brand the right way:

1. Build a brand with a purpose

One of the key components to building a brand is having something to offer the audience that separates you apart from the rest. A huge misconception on social media is that influencers mistakingly brand themselves by taking cute pictures of them advertising a product rather than having something to offer the audience such as a YouTube channel, blog, comedic sketches, or something relatively inspirational. It limits how close the audience can get to the influencer due to not feeling like they're actually a part of something. Don't get me wrong, no one is going to turn down looking at an Instagram picture of a female laying on the beach advertising her newest Fashion Nova bikini. However, people want to feel like they are apart of something, whether it be apart of a movement or contributing to a bigger picture. It is highly noted that the success of launching your brand is greater accomplished when you directly focus on connecting with your audience by taking them behind the scenes so they feel like they are part of the creative experience with the influencer. This results in increasing brand recognition and sales due to the audience feeling like their purchase is their own way of having a piece of it all.

2. Interact with your followers

Think of your audience as your family. Don't be afraid to interact and engage with them through your comments and direct messages. Think of it like this: would you ignore a close friend or family member if they were to leave a comment complementing your picture? Probably not. It's also important to stay active in order to continue to stay relevant with your audience. One recommendation is to consistently stay on a posting schedule and post around 2-3 times a week, that way your audience is constantly being reminded of you and your brand. A convenient way to do this without the hassle is with the app, UNUM. UNUM gives you the option to schedule your social media posts to strategically release at the highest time peak that gets the most engagement for your account. There are also apps such as Instagram messenger that makes it easier to respond to business related opportunities at a faster pace.

3. Strut your stuff, all day, everyday.

YOUR BRAND IS A DIRECT REPRESENTATION OF YOU! Be proud to show off your brand. Your products reflect how you want to be seen to the audience you are trying to capture. If you wouldn't be caught wearing your clothes, do you think the people who actively follow you would want to showcase your products? Another important component when advertising your brand on social media is to make sure you stick to a color scheme that accurately represents you and matches the aesthetic you are trying to portray. Creating an aesthetically pleasing feed is essential when it comes to trying to make your brand shine brighter than the rest, and its important to make sure you're staying consistent with the look you are striving to achieve.

4. Find your crowd and stick with it

Find an audience who genuinely likes you for who you are, what you represent, and who want to grow with you and your brand. Rather than focusing for the overall concept that increasing your follower count is crucial for the success of your brand, aim more towards connecting with a niche audience that is best suited for you and what your brand represents. Start by reaching out towards a smaller audience that genuinely wants to follow and represent you rather than focusing on pleasing a bigger, general audience. The '1,000 true fans' theory is a perfect example of how your follower count does not translate to a customer base related to sales. The theory explains how it is better to have a small amount of devoted followers that will routinely purchase your products and will loyally represent your brand in order to sustain a maintainable profit for your business. The concept shows if you can establish and connect with 1,000 true fans who are willing to purchase $100 dollars worth of your product annually, that easily sums up to a $100,000 annual income! Yes, it could really all be so simple.

and finally..


Think outside of the box. Ask yourself: has it been done before? In order to be noticed, you have to think out of your comfort zone to make a difference that will set your brand a part from the rest. One way to do this is to not be afraid to show who you really are. Express your personality to its fullest potential, and more importantly: be real and connect with your audience. For example, simple captions or song quotes to represent your pictures are played out. Let your pictures and captions reflect your personality. It allows the audience to feel like they are establishing a personal connection with their favorite influencer, which makes them more inclined to want to purchase you product, and will be more eager to represent your brand.


We hope these tips help you make your mark on the world! And if you ever feel discouraged, just remember Beyoncé wasn't built in a day. You've got this!

Drop a comment below or on Instagram/Twitter to let us know what tips and tricks helped you the most!

Let's be friends! Follow us at @PeoplesRevolt

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